AV Lib Notes

./avconv -i /cnbc/crunch/20160525_SQUA_EDEC0F11B2.mp4


 avconv -i Michael-Jackson-You-Rock-My-World-HD.mp4 -r 1 -s 1366x768 -f image2 image-%03d.png

    -r 1: is the number of frames you want per image, the more it is, 
    -the more images are created.
    1366×768: is the width and height you want for the images, 
    you may replace it with any other size you want.
    image-%03d.png: is the image name format, if you tried the command, 
    it’ll create many images like “image-001.png” , “image-002.png”.. etc,
     you can replace “png” with “jpg” or “jpeg” if you like.

avconv -i Michael-Jackson-You-Rock-My-World-HD.mp4 -vcodec libx264 newfile.avi

avconv -i michael-jackson-dangerous.mp3 newfile.wav

avconv -i [input file] -ss [start time] -t [duration] -codec copy [output file] http://www.dototot.com/how-to-trim-videos-with-the-command-line-using-avconv/