====== Production Lab Notes ====== Bill the HDHR is now on ABC IP VLC: (CNBC) Sample URL for recording curl –o ‘file name’ “” File name – is output file name including extension (I.e. .ts, or .mp4, etc) Auto – automatically selects available tuner could force to tuner0, tuner1, tuner2 V – is virtual channel (veiw list from Transcode options – mobile Heavy internet720 internet540 internet480 internet360 internet240 Duration – length in time of recording mhamilton-mbp:~ mhamilton$ tcpdump -i en0 -vvv -w NBC.pcap tcpdump: listening on en0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes 12 packets captured 12 packets received by filter 0 packets dropped by kernel mhamilton-mbp:~ mhamilton$ tcpdump -i en0 -vvv -w NBC.pcap V-T To resolve issues with a grey screen on session launch, please delete the following file: C:\TriCaster\Configuration\publish_cfg.xml. Fantasy URL: http://medialabsus.com:8080/Fantasy/ScoringLeaders?season=2015&week=1 Also: Here is api endpoint for Fantasy NFL Scoring Leaders http://medialabsus.com:8080/Fantasy/ScoringLeaders two parameters are required: 1. Season, such as season=2015 2. Week, such as week=1 An example to get data for week 3 of 2014 season: http://medialabsus.com:8080/Fantasy/ScoringLeaders?season=2014&week=3 result is in json as following: status: “ok” or “error” message: season: week: scoringleaders: […] where each object of scoringleaders array has the following fields: playericon: - not available playername: playercard: playernews: playervideos: playerposition: opp: passingyds: passingtd: passingint: rushingyds: rushingtd: receivingyds: receivingtd: miscfumtd: misc2pt: fumlost: points: Any question, please let me know. HDHR BOX: CNBC Mounting a password-protected share is very similar to mounting a public ones, with some minor changes to the options we pass. Let’s start by making a new folder where we want to mount the password-protected share: sudo mkdir -p /media/networkshare/protected Again, open /etc/fstab (with root privileges), and add this line: // /media/networkshare/protected cifs username=msusername,password=mspassword,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8 0 0 While this is a perfectly valid way of mounting your protected folder, it’s not very secure. Since /etc/fstab is readable by everyone, so are your credentials in it. So, let’s make it more secure by using a credentials file. This file will contain nothing else but your username and password, but we will make readable only to you. This way, other users on the system won’t be able to see your credentials. Using a text editor, create a file that will contain the credentials for your protected network share: vim ~/.smbcredentials Enter your username and password for the protected share in the file: username=msusername password=mspassword http://geeks.noeit.com/mount-an-smb-network-drive-on-raspberry-pi/